Aina Haina School's 18th Annual Jaguar Jog!!!

Friday October 04, 2024

Jaguar Jog is a fun run/walk event for the students to help generate donations from family and friends to support the Aina Haina School PTA.

This event encourages physical activity for the students while raising money for the various programs supported by the PTA (as described below). Our PE teacher will incorporate many of the required standards for physical education as he prepares the students for this event. This is also a chance for kids to participate in a school-wide service project to benefit their own school.

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PTA Funded Programs

A well rounded education is our top priority. These 4 core areas are supported 100% by the PTA. The Department of Education does NOT fund this at all. Without the PTA funds, these programs would not exist.


Students learn basic computer skills and get introduced to basic coding. They are taught to conduct internet research and practice digital citizenship for safe and respectful online interactions.

Physical Education

Students engage in various activities to promote physical fitness, coordination, and teamwork. They participate in games, exercises, and sports to develop motor skills like running, jumping, and throwing.

Visual Arts

Students explore their creativity through activities like drawing, painting, sculpting, and crafting. They learn basic art techniques and principles, such as color, shape, and texture.

日本語 (Nihongo)

Kindergarten students learn basic Japanese language skills, such as simple greetings, numbers, and common phrases. They engage in fun activities like songs, games, and storytelling to help them recognize Japanese sounds and characters. Through these activities, they also gain an introduction to Japanese culture and customs.

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Here's what the PTA spent in 2023-2024

Teacher salaries for Technology, Art, P.E., Kindergarten Nihongo, and Hawaiian Studies. Classroom support and supply monies for each teacher.

Custodial staff, security, paper goods, movie rental/license fees for events such as Movie nights, Back to School, Kanakapila, and Hoike. Jaguar Jog supplies and gifts, Staff Appreciation, and more.

IB (International Baccalaureate) training for faculty.

Printer, software, computer supplies, and a new desk for Jaguar@8.

General Operating expenses to run the PTA. General liability insurance, PayPal fees, postage, government and tax fees, and chalkboard signs.

Jaguar Jog Donations brought in: $59,682 with an additional $4,844 through donations and snack sales.

Mahalo to our sponsors

More to come
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